Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.
Sunday School
We have Sunday School classes that includes ages:
Preschool, Kindergarten-2nd Grade, 3rd-8th Grade, Youth, & Several Adult Classes. Bible based lessons are taught each week by our dedicated teachers.
Midweek Ministries
On Wednesday evenings between October and May, dinner is prepared for the church family. Following the meal, a men's or women's Bible Study is available and child care is provided.
Music Ministries
East Chip is blessed with musical talent. Our worship service is a blend of traditional hymns, accompanied by piano or organ, and modern praise music led by New Beginnings. We also have music by accordion led Alpine Airs and our own Brass Ensemble
Children's Programing
Awesome Acting Christians (AAC) is a school age group that meets monthly to spend time together in Bible study, games, crafts and fun activities including outings and service projects.
Junior Church is available most Sunday's during the worship service.
There are also opportunities to go to rally's and summer camp at Inspiration Hills in West Salem, OH.
Community Service
Several times a year, all age groups, provide ministry to the "Westview Healthy Living" Assisted Living. Other groups in our church family, help by donating their time and talents to People to People Ministries and other area ministries. One month a year our church provides cookies for the Breakaway Ministry in Smithville. We also have a 'comfort closet' to provide basic needs for families or individuals in crises.
Compassion Ministries
Through the Northern Ohio District, many of our men and women serve on the disaster team, which provides help to people both nationally and internationally. Other important ministries the our church family members donate their time to is CAMO, Haven of Rest Ministries, Salvation Army and West View Healthy Living.
Church Social Life
East Chip is a great place to come and enjoy fellowshipping together with fun activities throughout the year. There is bowling, the Sweetheart Banquet, baseball outings, and picnics through out the summer and fall.
Men's Ministries
All men are invited to attend a Men's Bible Study led by Pastor Mike Huffaker. There is a meal 6:00-6:30 pm followed by the Bible Study starting at 6:30 pm
Women's Ministries
The Women's Fellowship gathers twice a month (2nd & 4th Wednesdays) to quilt and knot . The quilts that are made with love find themselves sent into the community.
There is also a women's Bible study led by Annette Kelbly. A meal is provided at 6:00 pm and the class begins at 6:30 pm.